Le parcours On tourne vert x SODEC débute bientôt !


À l’issue de ce parcours de 9 semaines, 15 maisons de production auront eu l’opportunité de développer une politique de développement durable pour leur entreprise et recevront une bourse de 4 000$ pour soutenir l’implantation de mesures écoresponsables dans leurs prochaines productions. Le parcours s’inscrira en 3 cohortes de 5 participants (hiver, printemps, automne), la première cohorte débutant le 16 février 2023.

Au programme : Une formation délivrée par l’INIS, des modules de cours sur diverses thématiques du développement durable ainsi qu’un accompagnement personnalisé offerts par des professionnelles du CQEER et des événements de réseautage riches en discussions.

Les inscriptions se dérouleront du 24 janvier au 3 février 2023.

On tourne vert tient à remercier la Société de développement des entreprises culturelles (SODEC), pour leur précieux soutien à la réalisation de ce projet, et les collaborateurs de ce parcours, l’Association québécoise de la production médiatique (AQPM), le Conseil québécois des évènements écoresponsables (CQEER) et l’Institut national de l’image et du son (L’inis). De plus, un merci tout spécial à l’ensemble des partenaires d’On tourne vert pour leur constante collaboration. 

Pour vous inscrire : https://yp6mzfg8.pages.infusionsoft.net/?affiliate=0



From the foothills of the Appalachians to the St. Lawrence plains, the Centre-du-Québec region covers 6,910 square kilometres. The charm of rural villages and the views of the St. Lawrence River are among the region’s assets.


60 St-Jacques ST, Suite 502
Montréal, Quebec H2Y 1L5
1 866 320-3456 (toll-free in North America)
514 499-7070
Email: locations@bctq.ca
Website: www.bctq.ca

Capitale-Nationale (Québec City)

The Capitale-Nationale region offers a wide variety of natural settings and truly is the perfect environment for filming. The Old Québec neighbourhood is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The historic capital is unique in North America for its remarkable architecture, European ambience and military fortifications. In fact, it’s the only fortified city north of Mexico.
Among the many remarkable features, you will find magnificent, pristine parks; villages with numerous historic buildings, some dating back to New France; the rigorously reconstructed village of Wendake, home of the Huron-Wendat Nation; the dramatic landscapes along the banks of the majestic St. Lawrence River, and many other others. A film office and an experienced local workforce are at your service.

VILLE DE QUÉBEC Bureau des grands événements

15 Saint-Nicolas Street
Québec City, Quebec G1K 1M8
418 641-6726
Email: cinema@ville.quebec.qc.ca
Website: www.ville.quebec.qc.ca/tournage


From the shores of the St. Lawrence to the highlands, the Bas-Saint-Laurent region is a rich tapestry of maritime, lakeside, farming and forest landscapes… Its villages, islands, lighthouses, national parks and marine mammals are among the region’s assets.


60 St-Jacques ST, Suite 502
Montréal, Quebec H2Y 1L5
1 866 320-3456 (toll-free in North America)
514 499-7070
Email: locations@bctq.ca
Website: www.bctq.ca


A landscape of contrasting scenery of lakes and rivers, the vast region of Abitibi-Témiscamingue is situated north of the Ottawa river region, along the Quebec-Ontario border. It is inhabited by friendly people who take pride in sharing their history and culture.

Abitibi-Témiscamingue is very young, as far as regions go—its oldest city is 130 years old. However, traces of the Anishinabek people date back 8,000 years, and this Algonquin First Nation continues to be a thriving presence in the territory today.


60 St-Jacques ST, Suite 502
Montréal, Quebec H2Y 1L5
1 866 320-3456 (toll-free in North America)
514 499-7070
Email: locations@bctq.ca
Website: http://www.bctq.ca


Nord-du-Québec is the largest administrative region in Quebec, covering 55% of the total area of the province with its 839,000 square kilometres that include 121,000 square kilometres of lakes and rivers. Ivujivik, the northernmost town in Quebec, is located more than 1,900 km as the crow flies from Montréal and less than 502 km from the Arctic Circle. The 11,000 inhabitants — primarily Inuit — live in 14 villages located mostly on the coast, at the river mouths. Kuujjuaq, the administrative capital, has a population of 2,300.


60 St-Jacques ST, Suite 502
Montréal, Quebec H2Y 1L5
1 866 320-3456 (toll-free in North America)
514 499-7070
Email: locations@bctq.ca
Website: www.bctq.ca