TYPE : Documentary production, Service production (films and TV series), Unscripted production and format
REGION : Greater Montreal
ADHÉSION : Régulier
Le Groupe Fair-Play is a leading television production company in Quebec, offering a wide range of content from entertainment shows to documentaries, as well as drama series. With decades of experience in the industry, Fair-Play has built a strong reputation for the quality of its productions and its commitment to narrative innovation. The group collaborates with both national and international broadcasters, producing shows that captivate audiences and garner critical acclaim. Fair-Play is also distinguished by its creative approach and its ability to adapt to the rapidly changing television market. Whether for large-scale projects or more modest productions, Fair-Play is dedicated to delivering high-quality content that meets the expectations of viewers and sponsors alike. The group is also involved in nurturing new talent, supporting young creators and producers through various programs and initiatives.